A small but small adjustment

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about my identification. I have had several changes to my identification as atheist. My thoughts about how or what an atheist means have changed. However, a fun change to my definitions has been the term heathen. While I don’t identify as heathen overall, I have had the pleasure of contact with several people who do. Hence why I will not call myself a heathen in the future.

I don’t quite consider myself a heathen or a pagan. I would imagine those definitions require a deity. I am the other hand do not believe in any deity but the idea is entertaining. It has been quite interesting being friends with various heathens and their practices. If I were to have to identify a religion I would likely identify as Satanist with heathen as my secondary. At the moment I would, if required, identify as atheist/humanist. I do have some issues with identifying with any particular group but on the other hand would like to identify with some sort of community. Unfortunately, the atheist community can be quite divided and has been on several issues especially as of late.

There has been a reason I have not been writing recently. I am actually currently writing this as a voice to text message. It seems putting my words into text have been exhausting. So instead I will say my words out loud and modify them to the best of my ability, atheism bores me. While heathenry is interesting I cannot bring myself to believe any of it. Many friends of mine have interest with heathenry and the like and I wish to have that community. However, I cannot bring myself to believe any of it. It is quite interesting that the heathen gods are much more human than anything. That alone has quite a draw. Having a god that is very human or several gods that are very human, would make sense of a lot of things. However, I have no reason to believe in them.

At this point I am somewhat rambling. It has been quite liberating to explore myself. It would be nice to have God’s to pray to and yet there are none. I will continue to be the best version of myself I can be and encourage others to do the same.

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